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agathe - Thuringian initiative against loneliness | Jena Familie, Jugend und Soziales Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

agathe - Thuringian initiative against loneliness

The City of Jena is responsible for the Agathe project. The funds from the Thuringian Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family are forwarded to ÜAG gGmbH Jena for fulfillment.

The state funding program Agathe - Growing Older in the Community - Thuringian Initiative against Loneliness is intended to meet the existing need for a low-threshold advisory, information and referral service for older people in the post-employment phase by deploying 2.5 trained mobile specialists . The primary target group is senior citizens who live alone in their own household.

The goals of the program include

  • Supporting a self-determined, independent and participatory lifestyle in old age through professional, preventative services (empowerment)
  • Enabling people to reactivate forgotten and lost skills (resource orientation)
  • Referral counseling with information
  • Maintaining quality of life in the home environment (avoiding neglect)
  • Prevention of loneliness through (re)activation, ensuring participation in social life
  • Stabilization through personal support in life crises and, if necessary, referral to specific advice centres
  • Further development and training of inclusive social spaces with regard to the needs of older people
  • Initiating cooperation with local associations, organizations and initiatives to support older people in need in using services or to motivate them to initiate their own services.

Project period: 01.09.2021 - 31.12.2024