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Here you will find information in plain language.
Kommunal∙service Jena (KSJ) is a service provider for the city of Jena.
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The Kommunal∙service Jena (KSJ for short) disposes of
Waste from private∙households and businesses.
Waste disposal and services at a glance:
On this page you will find waste and disposal routes.
Further information:
Waste must be collected separately from the consumer.
This makes it possible to recycle and dispose of waste according to type.
The individual types of waste are shown.
You can also find individual "sorting videos" here.
Further information:
The bin∙service of the KSJ provides waste∙containers (garbage cans),
maintains and offers a rolling service.
You will find an overview of the bin sizes.
Information on registering and deregistering the bins
are also shown.
It also provides information on cleaning, repair and wheelie bin services.
Further information:
The KSJ also disposes of larger quantities of waste.
There are different containers and sizes for this.
You can find the types and sizes here.
Further information:
Here you will find the waste disposal calendar.
After entering your street and house number
you will receive your disposal∙dates.
Postponed dates are also shown.
Further information:
This page contains all the information on the waste∙fees
are presented here.
You will find statutes and forms here.
Further information:
The KSJ offersoptimized concepts and services.
Disposal and services at a glance:
Further information:
Bulky waste from private households in Jena
can be handed in free of charge at the recycling centers.
Businesses can register bulky waste for a fee.
You will find an overview of what belongs in bulky waste and
what does not.
The KSJ also offers:
Further information:
There are two recycling centers in Jena. One is located
at Löbstedter Straße 56 and another at Emil-Wölk-Straße
at Emil-Wölk-Straße 13a.
Here you will find an overview of the free and
fee-based acceptance (with prices).
Further information:
The KSJ cleans streets, takes care of the street
Street∙lighting and traffic lights.
Signage, road construction and winter
Winter road maintenance are also tasks.
The electrical∙technology division is responsible for 87 public light∙signal∙systems
- colloquially known as "traffic light∙systems".
Further information:
Development contributions in Jena are collected by the
Contributions in the KSJ.
Certificates are issued here and applications
Further information:
This area is responsible for all questions, comments,
Malfunction∙reports and improvement∙suggestions
in connection with "Light in public spaces".
Further information:
The building yard builds public roads, paths and squares.
It also takes care of maintenance.
Further information:
The cleaning of streets and squares is carried out by
the street∙cleaning service.
The emptying of waste bins in the city area
and fountain∙maintenance are their tasks.
You can find the cleaning schedule here. Information on the
Fee can also be viewed.
Further information:
We deal with everything that belongs to the public road
belongs to. Among other things: Roadways, footpaths and cycle paths, ditches,
Road drains, road accessories and much more.
At regular intervals, the employees inspect the
Roadways, footpaths and cycle paths, road drainage facilities,
Flood ditches within built-up areas as well as the traffic and
Road∙name signs.
If necessary, repairs to the aforementioned facilities are
are arranged.
Further information:
The traffic∙guidance system department is responsible for roadworks and
Detour∙signage in Jena and the surrounding area.
These signs provide orientation, safety and
warn of dangers.
Further information:
Winter road maintenance is carried out by KSJ employees.
The basis for this is the street∙cleaning∙statutes.
Frequently asked questions are answered on this page.
Further information:
The KSJ is responsible for the parking areas, fountains
and toilets.
It takes care of graffiti removal, playgrounds,
Benches and much more.
The KSJ tows vehicles on behalf of the Jena city council
(Municipal Order Department) tows vehicles.
Further information:
The Construction and Quality Management department monitors and
controls road construction work.
Bridges, stairs and other construction work are planned
prepared and carried out.
Further information:
The KSJ takes care of approx. 1,200 park benches and
approx. 55,000 square meters of paths and squares.
You can sponsor a bench here.
Further information:
The KSJ maintains and cleans fountains in the city of Jena.
Further information:
The Land Management department is responsible for
Further information:
The KSJ offers graffiti∙removal and graffiti∙protection.
We remove graffiti with modern technology.
Further information:
The municipal parking areas are managed by the KSJ.
Areas are cleaned here.
Parking ticket machines are maintained.
The parking guidance system is managed here.
Further information:
The department is responsible for advertising in public
Space in Jena.
Posters and advertising measures are applied for here.
Statutes form the legal basis.
Further information:
The Playgrounds department is responsible for the safety, maintenance
and maintenance of 75 playgrounds, play areas and football pitches.
Further information:
The KSJ operates three public toilets:
Further information:
The KSJ maintains the green spaces, looks after the trees
the trees and footpaths
Wood and flowers are also sold.
You can book campfire∙sites and
Become a sponsor for trees and benches.
The department inspects, maintains, plants and
waters trees.
You can also sponsor a tree here
Further information:
Plants are grown here.
A wide range is offered all year round.
Further information:
The division designs, maintains and cares for
the municipal parks and green spaces.
Further information:
The Jena city forestry team looks after the
the city forest.
Hiking trails and timber sales can be found
can be found here.
You can also become a sponsor for a bench in the forest.
Further information:
The Jena funeral home belongs to the KSJ.
The crematorium and the municipal cemeteries
Cemeteries also belong to the company.
The funeral home is the companion
at your side.
Here you will find all the important
Further information:
The crematorium is located at Hufelandweg 4.
It bears the "Controlled Crematorium" seal.
Guided tours are also offered here.
Further information:
In the cemetery∙administration you will receive
Information about:
Further information:
Tenders and job offers can be found
All contacts and locations are also
Here you will find information on:
Further information:
All information on the current status.
What are the goals? What progress has
is there?
Further information:
The KSJ imparts knowledge.
There are many opportunities
to actively participate.
Further information:
Overview of existing vehicles
of the KSJ.
The technology with the workshop
is also presented.
Further information:
All job offers of the KSJ.
Apprenticeships and internships
can also be found here.
Further information:
Overview with all locations and
Contacts of the KSJ.
Further information:
Facts and figures about the KSJ
Further information:
The service office is located at Saalstraße 9
to find.
All services are listed here.
Further information:
The KSJ offers programs for
Children and adults.
There is environmental education
on "waste" and "forest".
Further information:
You can find the price list here.
Information on the washing process
is given.
Further information: