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Migration Advisory Board | Jena Wahlen Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Migration Advisory Board

Presentation of the candidates

A total of 24 Jena residents are running for the Migration and Integration Advisory Board of the City of Jena. Here they present themselves and their motivation in the order of their candidacy.

photo Introduction of the person

Ein Mann lächelt.
Seyed Mohammad Reza Nazari

Seyed Mohammad Reza Nazari

Personal information

  • Age: 40
  • Profession: Quality inspector
  • Country of origin: Iran
  • Nationalities: Iranian

"My goal: To live together with equal civil rights in the city of Jena."


No photo available

vereinfachte Darstellung einer Person

Ivan Angelov

Information about him

  • Country of origin: Republic of Moldova
  • Nationalities: Bulgarian and Moldovan

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Merve Çilburunoğlu

Merve Çilburunoğlu

My information

  • Age: 31
  • Occupation: Employee Welcome Center Jena
  • Country of origin: Turkey
  • Nationalities: Turkish

"I want to create a togetherness with each other."


No photo available

vereinfachte Darstellung einer Person

Samira Alia

Information about her

  • Country of origin: Albania
  • Nationalities: Albanian
  • Profession: Sales Manager
  • Languages: Albanian, English, Turkish, Italian and German

"Living in a foreign country can be challenging, especially for newcomers adjusting to new life in Germany. Whether you have just arrived or have been here for years, I warmly invite everyone to participate in the election and afterwards share your thoughts on what feels missing from home - so we can find creative ways to integrate those elements into our daily lives.

Having lived away from my homeland, Albania, for over 12 years - first as a bachelor's student in Turkey and now for seven years working in Jena and across Europe - I understand the longing for familiarity while embracing diversity. Through my own reflections and conversations with both international and local friends, I've learned that a sense of belonging grows when we connect, understand each other's struggles, and appreciate our differences. I aspire to be part of the board to foster these connections through open dialogue, creative ideas, and my experience in event organization.

My goal is to bridge the cultural gaps, create opportunities to build lasting relationships, and strengthen a supportive, inclusive community where everyone feels at home."

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Xiaoai Wang-Lindner

Xiaoai Wang-Lindner

About her

  • Age: 34
  • Marital status: married
  • Profession: M.A. / team assistant
  • Country of origin: China
  • Nationalities: Chinese

"I would like to run for the Migration Advisory Board in Jena because I firmly believe in equal opportunities, togetherness and diversity. I am convinced that these values form the foundations for a strong and just society. My goals are:

  1. Promoting equal opportunities, regardless of origin or cultural background.
  2. Strengthening the community: building networks and intercultural exchange.
  3. Promoting diversity: making cultural diversity visible and supporting it through targeted projects and public relations work.
  4. Advice and participation in migration policy in Jena."


Ein Mann mit verschränkten Armen lacht.
Ibrahim Othman

Ibrahim Othman

Further information

  • Age: 38
  • Marital status: married
  • Occupation: Low-threshold counseling in WeltRaum
  • Country of origin: Syria
  • Nationalities: Syrian and German

"My motivation as a candidate for the Migration Advisory Council is to represent the interests of migrants, promote integration and strengthen equal opportunities. My goal is to create better educational and labor market opportunities, reduce discrimination and improve the political participation of migrants. I want to build a bridge between cultures and strengthen the voice of migrants in society."


Eine Frau mit verschränkten Armen lächelt.
Munara Abdyvasieva

Munara Abdyvasieva

About her

  • Age: 39
  • Marital status: married, 3 children
  • Profession: Economist, Prezident Akademy Kyrgyzstan
  • Country of origin: Kyrgyzstan
  • Nationalities: Kyrgyz

I would like to become a member of the Advisory Board because I want to actively represent the interests of the members and strengthen the community. I have gained a lot of experience in supporting migrants over the last 10 years and would like to contribute this knowledge. As a mother of three children, I know how important a strong and supportive community is. It is important to me to bring different perspectives together and find common solutions."

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Hong Wang

Hong Wang

About Hong Wang

  • Age: 54
  • Marital status: married
  • Profession: Project management engineer
  • Country of origin: China
  • Nationalities: Chinese

"My name is Hong Wang and I am running for the Migration Advisory Board of the City of Jena to actively represent the interests of migrants. As a long-time resident of Jena with Chinese roots and chairwoman of the German-Chinese Society, I have worked intensively with the city administration and successfully implemented numerous intercultural projects.

It is particularly important to me to support international students and skilled workers in order to make it easier for them to settle in Jena. I would like to use my many years of experience to create a strong connection between the migrant community and the city administration, to initiate sustainable improvements and thus avoid parallel societies, so that real coexistence can develop."


Schwarz-Weiß-Foto eines Mannes mit Jackett und Krawatte.
Amir Sasan Sharafi

Amir Sasan Sharafi

About him

  • Age: 45
  • Marital status: single
  • Profession: Interpreter / B.Sc. Business & Language - Oriental Studies at the FSU Jena
  • Country of origin: Iran
  • Nationalities: Iranian and German

"My goal is to incorporate the perspectives and needs of migrants into the Council's advisory process."


Ein Mann sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt
Mohammadreza Younesi

Mohammadreza Younesi

Information about me

  • Age: 34
  • Marital status: single
  • Profession: PhD student in physics
  • Country of origin: Iran
  • Nationalities: Iranian and German

"As a member of the Foreign Community Advisory Board, I will ensure that your concerns are heard. Together we can help create a more inclusive and diverse city where everyone feels welcome. Your experiences and wishes are important - I am committed to ensuring that they are taken into account. With your support, we can foster a strong, united community."

Ein Mann sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Daniel Ayuk Mbi Egbe

Daniel Ayuk Mbi Egbe

Information about me

  • Age: 58
  • Profession: Chemist
  • Country of origin: Cameroon
  • Nationalities: German

"As an elected member of the MIB of the city of Jena, I would like to work for, among other things

  • Overcoming the recurring problems of migrants
  • Empowerment of migrants through learning the German language
  • a centrally located intercultural meeting center
  • Sports activities: especially learning to swim for African and Muslim women
  • Production of a regularly published magazine, JENINTEGRA, in which the life stories and positive contributions of people with a migration biography living in Jena are documented: A contribution to reducing racism, discrimination and xenophobia."


Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Cynthia Mathoni Weis

Cynthia Muthoni Weis

Information about her

  • Age: 28 years
  • Marital status: single
  • Profession: Bank clerk
  • Country of origin: Kenya
  • Nationalities: German

"As a former track and field athlete at Jena Sports High School, I learned that discipline, team spirit and perseverance are crucial not only in sport, but in all areas of life. Today, as a banker at Sparkasse Jena, I am committed to financial education for young people and helping them to achieve their financial goals. In addition to my professional work, I am involved with ANSOLE e. V. to promote sustainable education and energy projects with a focus on Africa. I love building networks and initiating collaborations to open up spaces that were previously inaccessible, create new perspectives and enable safe spaces for people with a migration background in Jena."


Ein Mann sitzt auf einem Stuhl.
Stefano Minardi

Stefano Minardi

About Stefano Minardi

  • Age: 51
  • Marital status: married
  • Profession: Engineer
  • Country of origin: Italy
  • Nationalities: Italian and German

"My name is Stefano Minardi, and I am running for the Migration and Integration Advisory Board of the City of Jena under the motto: Cosmopolitan.

In my life I have lived between cultures and I am deeply convinced of the advantages of a diverse, open and multicultural society. I am concerned about the increasing hostility towards migrants in our country, which is why I have decided to campaign for a cosmopolitan Jena.

My goal is to advocate for the recognition of migrants as an opportunity for society: for a diversity of new perspectives, ideas, stories, solutions and initiatives. In my view, this can only succeed if we promote encounters and honest exchanges between cultures more strongly. Real integration doesn't just mean having a job and a roof over your head: it also means making friends and feeling like a recognized part of society."

Ein Mann sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Denys Ziener

Denys Ziener

Information about him

  • Age: 24
  • Marital status: single
  • Profession: Bank clerk
  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Nationalities: German

My first years in Germany were characterized by many xenophobic aspects against me: Hatred, violence, insults and ultimately hardly any social support. The reasons for all of this are very complex, but they always have one common denominator: I hardly received any help.

Today, I am a reflective man who is firmly established in life. I want to help people who find themselves in such situations and don't know what to do. Because of my experience, I have the right motivation and also an eye for things that others often don't have."


Eine Frau mit verschränkten Händen blickt interessiert.
Nasrin Panahi

Nasrin Panahi

About her

  • Age: 25
  • Marital status: living separately
  • Occupation: Student
  • Country of origin: Afghanistan
  • Nationalities: Afghan

"Due to my own migration background and my work as an interpreter, I experience the challenges migrants face on a daily basis. My motivation is to educate people and show them ways to solve their problems. Everyone needs to be informed about their rights and support services."


Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Nour Shams Eddin

Nour Shams Eddin

About her

  • Age: 39
  • Marital status: single
  • Profession: Master General Management
  • Country of origin: Syria
  • Nationalities: Syrian

"My work supports women's rights for foreign women in Germany. My aim is to help these women find their way in Germany and build a self-determined life.

I offer integration courses to promote linguistic and cultural integration. I also support them in their search for training and jobs in order to strengthen their economic independence. I also help women with family challenges, problems with children or experiences of violence."


Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl.
Iryna Martyniuk

Iryna Martyniuk

My information

  • Age: 44
  • Marital status: divorced
  • Occupation: DaZ teacher
  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Nationalities: Ukrainian

"It is with great pleasure that I am running for the Advisory Board for Integration and Migration in the city of Jena. As a mother and teacher who works with children and young people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds on a daily basis, I have first-hand experience of the diversity and challenges associated with migration and integration.

I firmly believe that integration is not just a task for migrants, but a challenge for society as a whole. Only together can we create an environment in which all people feel welcome and respected. As a delegate, I would like to help build bridges between different cultures and promote the opportunities that diversity brings. It is particularly important to me to promote equal opportunities for all children and young people, especially those with a migrant background, so that they receive a fair education and fair prospects for their future.

I would like to promote more exchange and cooperation between the various cultural groups in our city and ensure that the needs of migrants are taken into account in political decisions. Close cooperation with local initiatives and civil society is particularly important to me in order to develop sustainable solutions together. Jena has great potential to become an even more inclusive and diverse city. I look forward to making my contribution and working with you to create an open and just society."

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Atifa Tokhi

Atifa Tokhi

My information

  • Age: 25
  • Profession: Student at the University of Jena
  • Country of origin: Afghanistan
  • Nationalities: Afghan

"My goal is a Jena where everyone has the same opportunities, is respected and feels at home, regardless of their origin or background.

  1. Integration for all,
  2. Support for young people and students,
  3. hearing the voice of all."


Eine Frau lächelt.
Tatjana Jarosch

Tatjana Jarosch

  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Nationalities: German
  • In Jena since 2003
  • Marital status: married
  • Occupation: DaZ teacher, coach
  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Nationality: German

"It is important to me to effectively support cultural diversity in Jena together with other committed people in order to achieve more togetherness.

We are all different and we should promote this diversity because it has added value for a modern, successful society.

Above all, I would like to encourage my Ukrainian compatriots to enrich our socio-cultural life in Jena with their experiences and stories.

From my professional career and personal experience, I know the needs, interests and potential that people from different countries bring with them.

I would like to see a more active involvement of stakeholders with different migration backgrounds and am willing to work on such concepts.

One of my project ideas is an intercultural education and meeting center with various areas, such as Further education opportunities, counseling services, exchange of experiences between different cultural communities in Jena and much more."

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Olga Perkas

Olga Perkas

Information about her

  • Age: 32
  • Marital status: married
  • Profession: doctor
  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Nationalities: German

"Diversity and humanity need a strong voice - that's what I want to stand up for."


Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Janny Vanessa Guevara Torres

Janny Vanessa Guevara Torres

About her

  • Age: 43
  • Marital status: married
  • Occupation: Psychologist / Project coordinator
  • Country of origin: Peru
  • Nationalities: Peruvian


Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Rea Mauersberger Pedrosa de Araújo

Rea Mauersberger Pedrosa de Araújo

Information about her

  • Marital status: married
  • Profession: Law, Linguistics
  • Country of origin: Brazil
  • Nationalities: Brazilian

Video: Yu Hu

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Yu Hu

Yu Hu

Information about Yu Hu

  • Age: 50
  • Marital status: divorced
  • Occupation: Assistant and lecturer
  • Country of origin: China
  • Nationalities: Chinese

"Support and accompany migrants to integrate well and appropriately into society. Breaking down the barriers between German society and other societies with our own commitment and action."

Eine Frau sitzt auf einem Stuhl und lächelt.
Qingfang Wu

Qingfang Wu

Information about her

  • Age: 42
  • Marital status: married
  • Profession: entrepreneur
  • Country of origin: China
  • Nationalities: Chinese

"We want to act as a bridge to enable people with a migration background to integrate better in Jena. Our goal is to strengthen the immigrant culture, avoid discrimination and support immigrants to learn, work, start families and lead a successful life in Jena. We are committed to ensuring that locals understand us better, tolerate us and accept us into their community in order to achieve more together."


New election 2025

On 01.04.2025, the Migration Advisory Board will be re-elected for the next five years. The election will take place by postal vote.

Residents of Jena who wish to be elected as an honorary member of the Migration Advisory Board can register as a candidate during the designated period from 30.01. to 25.02.2025.

An eligible candidate is:

  • eligible to vote in accordance with Section 15 of the main statutes,
  • born on or before 01.04.2007 and
  • not excluded in accordance with § 2 or § 3 of the main statutes.

Eligibility to vote according to § 15 of the main statutes

Every person is entitled to vote who

  • born on or before 01.04.2007 and
  • has been registered as a resident of Jena for at least three months without interruption and
  • is not German within the meaning of Article 116 (1) of the Basic Law or
  • is German within the meaning of Article 116 (1) of the Basic Law and has acquired this legal status as a foreign resident through naturalization in Germany or
  • is German within the meaning of Article 116 (1) of the Basic Law and also has a foreign nationality or
  • came to the Federal Republic of Germany as a German within the meaning of Article 116 (1) of the Basic Law or
  • whose mother or father is not German or German within the meaning of Article 116 (1) of the Basic Law.

Voters' register

All residents who are entitled to vote in accordance with Section 15 of the Main Statutes are included in the voters' register, provided that the requirements for eligibility to vote can be determined by the City of Jena. The documents for postal voting are sent out on the basis of the voters' register.

The election of the Migration Advisory Council will take the form of a postal vote. This means that eligible voters will receive all voting documents by post from 11.03.2025.

Eligible voters who have not received postal voting documents should contact the Office for Migration and Integration, Saalbahnhofstraße 9.

  • Anyone who is entitled to vote and has not been included in the electoral register can still register until 21.03.2025.
  • Anyone who is entitled to vote and is listed in the electoral roll but has not received postal voting documents can still receive the documents until 28.03.2025. Lost voting documents will not be replaced.

The election documents consist of

  • an information and leaflet
  • a ballot paper with surname, first names, date of birth, home address and affidavit
  • a ballot paper
  • a ballot paper envelope
  • a return envelope (ballot paper envelope) with the address of the polling station

The ballot paper must be signed, stating the place and date, with an affidavit that the person entitled to vote has marked the ballot paper themselves.

Three votes can be cast for one or more candidates on the ballot paper. The choice must be clearly recognizable.

The ballot paper is placed in the ballot paper envelope and sealed . The ballot paper envelope and ballot paper are placed together in the return envelope. The return envelope is sealed and sent to the address printed on it. The return is free of charge.

Important: A ballot paper can only be considered if it has been received by the election office by midnight on 01.04.2025.


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Date Action
30.01. - 25.02.2025

Submission of election proposals or candidacies to the Office for Migration and Integration

The last opportunity to submit election proposals on 25.02.2025 is to drop them in the deadline mailbox of the City of Jena, Am Anger 15 in 07743 Jena by midnight.

Subsequently Examination of the election proposals
from 11.03.2025 Dispatch of the election documents to all eligible voters
by 28.03.2025 Issue of replacement ballot papers

Last possible election day on which ballot papers must be received by the polling station by midnight

The last option for submitting ballot papers on 01.04.2025 is to drop them in the deadline letterbox of the City of Jena, Am Anger 15 in 07743 Jena by midnight.

02./03.04.2025 Counting and publication of the election results
  • Thuringian law on elections in the districts and municipalities
  • Thuringian municipal election regulations
  • Main statutes of the city of Jena
Tag Zeiten
Montag 08:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 08:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Tag Zeiten
Montag 08:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:30 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:30 - 13:00 Uhr

Tasks of the advisory board

The Migration Advisory Council of the City of Jena works on a voluntary basis. It represents all residents of Jena who have a history of migration.

Its tasks include

  • Representing the interests of all people with a history of migration in Jena
  • Regular meetings (meetings are held in German)
  • Reporting to the city council
  • Statements on municipal projects that particularly affect migrant residents

Was ist der Migrationsbeirat?