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Utility companies | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Utility companies

The providers of basic infrastructure and services in Jena are both municipal and private companies. The utility companies supply electricity, gas, heat and water and manage wastewater and waste disposal.

Your landlord ensures that your apartment is connected to the water network. You pay the costs for your hot and cold water supply and wastewater disposal as operating costs with your rent.

The costs are billed either according to the living space, the number of people in an apartment or based on a water meter.

To determine the annual operating costs, you as the tenant may have to grant access to your apartment.

A combined heat and power plant and the Stadtwerke biogas plant supply our city with district heating via the above-ground and underground pipeline system.

Your landlord will connect you to the district heating network. Your personal consumption is measured directly at the heating system, either by heat meters or electronic heat cost allocators.

The consumption costs are part of your operating costs and are recalculated annually. To determine the annual operating costs, you as the tenant must grant access to your apartment if the consumption cannot already be transmitted by radio.


You generally choose your electricity or gas supplier yourself.

Many landlords offer to register you with a specific supplier, but ultimately you can choose your supplier yourself according to your own criteria (best price, regional supplier, environmental and safety aspects, etc.) and switch as you wish within the applicable deadlines.

To save energy and therefore costs, purchase household electrical appliances with a high energy efficiency rating (A). Use energy-saving light bulbs. You can also save costs by disconnecting high-consumption appliances such as televisions and computers from the mains before going to bed or when you are away for long periods.

Link to

The waste disposal fees are included in your rent as operating costs. Use the disposal options provided for your address. You will usually find at least 4 different waste garbage cans directly at your apartment building.

separate your waste according to the recycling system. By separating the different types of waste correctly, you can keep operating costs low and help to conserve resources.

In many residential areas, there are also different colored glass containers as well as containers for the disposal of small electrical appliances and others for the donation of clothing in good condition.

All disposal containers are emptied regularly. If you want to dispose of more waste than usual, please contact one of the recycling centers. You can also drop off your waste here directly.

Especially if there is still some time to go before the garbage cans are next emptied, please be considerate of your neighbors who may otherwise be annoyed by prematurely overfilled garbage cans. Please do not place any waste next to the disposal bins.

Bulky waste

You can dispose of your bulky waste (e.g. furniture, mattresses, floor coverings, bicycles, baby carriages and similar items) free of charge at the recycling centers. Alternatively, you can arrange a collection.

Some landlords organize collection appointments. If it is not such a generally valid collection date, you should never put your bulky waste out for collection. The waste disposal company will only take what has been registered for collection. Your unregistered bulky waste will not be taken away and you will be committing an administrative offense and may have to pay a fine!

Electrical appliances

Your old large electrical appliances will be collected and disposed of free of charge from your front door after registration at the service office of Kommunalservice Jena. This includes, for example, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, electric stoves and dishwashers.

Small electrical appliances such as toasters, vacuum cleaners and irons do not belong in the garbage cans! They can be handed in free of charge at recycling centers or disposed of in the designated collection containers.

Important! Batteries and rechargeable batteries must not be disposed of with household waste! Consumers must return used batteries and rechargeable batteries. This can be done at sales outlets for batteries and rechargeable batteries and at recycling centers.
