Own operations
Eigenbetriebe are companies under public law without their own legal personality. The legal basis is the Eigenbetriebsverordnungen or Eigenbetriebsgesetze of the Länder (in Thuringia the ThürEBV).
The Eigenbetrieb is the classical form of organisation for economic enterprises of the municipalities.
Although they are part of the municipal administration, owner-operated enterprises have their own bookkeeping, accounting and economic planning separate from the municipal budget and in accordance with business management principles. This is what distinguishes them from public enterprises.
In financial terms, they are regarded as special assets of the municipality. Own business enterprises are only included in the budget with their annual results.
The organs are the plant management and the plant committee. This reflects the organisational independence of the municipal enterprise. This represents a sensible compromise solution for the economic activities of the municipalities.
Since 2005, the municipal enterprise JenaKultur has united all cultural institutions and tourism under one roof. The special feature of Jena's construction - compared to other cultural enterprises - is the granting of a municipal subsidy for several years by city council resolution. Synergies arise from a common strategic orientation and the centralisation of parallel or cross-sectional tasks (e.g. finances, personnel).
This structure, coupled with the planning security over a longer period of time, has become a model and secures the cultural work financially and organisationally without restricting the creativity and flexibility of the institutions. The successes speak for themselves: first-class classical music, rock and jazz concerts, top-class exhibitions as well as varied and extensive cultural tourism and further education offers for young and old.
Jena Municipal Real Estate (KIJ)
The Eigenbetrieb Kommunale Immobilien Jena (KIJ) is a company of the city of Jena and started its business operations on 01.01.2003. We are the owner and operator of the undeveloped and developed municipal areas, the school and sports properties as well as the cultural, social and administrative buildings in the city of Jena. We see ourselves as a service provider over the entire life cycle of real estate - with the aim of creating and maintaining value for Jena.
In addition to the management of municipal real estate, our company's main tasks also include the maintenance and refurbishment of these properties under sustainable energy aspects as well as the construction of new buildings.
Municipal Service Jena (KSJ)
Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) operates as a modern service provider in the municipal and commercial sector.
For the city of Jena we carry out the tasks of waste disposal, collection of fees and contributions, street cleaning, lighting, planning, administration, monitoring, maintenance, area administration, monitoring of traffic constructions and winter services.