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The Salana - the "jewel" of the Ernestines | Long Night of the Sciences Jena Skip to main content

The Salana - the "jewel" of the Ernestines

21:45 - 22:15 o'clock
Stadtmuseum Jena and Institut für Orientalistik, Indogermanistik, Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie
Stadtmuseum Jena
Markt 7

Dr. Stefan Gerber and Prof. Joachim Bauer will take you back to the founding years of the university after the defeat of John Frederick I in the Schmalkaldic War and look at the importance of the Salana for the Ernestines up to the time of the F

The beginnings of Jena University can be traced back to the defeat of John Frederick I of Saxony in the Schmalkaldic War in 1546 and the resulting loss of his electoral dignity and Wittenberg University. The tour explains how a new university was founded at this low point of power and how it became the "jewel" of the Ernestines in the following decades. The tour also addresses the question of how the founding of the university in Jena influenced the emergence of a separate principality of Saxony-Jena around 100 years later. Who were the princes of Jena? Where and how did they live? And in what way were they connected to "their" university?

An event as part of the special exhibition "Academic Life in the Early Modern Period at the Collegium Jenense" at the Jena City Museum (27.9.2024-9.2.2025).

Porträt Johann Friedrichs I.- 1654 im Rahmen der Rektoratsernennung Herzog Bernhards von Sachsen-Jena von seinem Vater gestiftet. (Abb.: Kustodie Universität Jena).
Porträt Johann Friedrichs I.- 1654 im Rahmen der Rektoratsernennung Herzog Bernhards von Sachsen-Jena von seinem Vater gestiftet. (Abb.: Kustodie Universität Jena).
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