Apply for a housing entitlement certificate
Um eine geförderte und somit oftmals preiswertere Wohnung anmieten zu können, wird ein Wohnberechtigungsschein benötigt. Zur Erteilung eines Wohnberechtigungsscheines ist u. a. die Höhe des Einkommens aller zum Haushalt gehörenden Personen maßgeblich.
Der Wohnberechtigungsschein wird auf Antrag erteilt und ist 1 Jahr gültig.
Income limits
In order to move into a subsidized apartment, you must comply with the income limits according to §10 Thüringer Wohnraumfördergesetz(ThürWoFG).
With the income calculator (under "Links") you can quickly and easily calculate whether you are eligible for a housing entitlement certificate.
Household members
All persons mentioned in §10 Abs. 4 ThürWoFG belong to the household, as far as they lead a living and economic community.
Children of separated or divorced parents who are entitled to joint custody belong to the household of each parent as dependents.
Several residences
An entitlement to a residential entitlement certificate only exists if the subsidised flat to be occupied is registered as the main place of residence . Furthermore, no other residence may exist as a secondary residence.
Students / Trainees
Students and trainees are entitled to apply at the place of study if they have their usual place of residence there and intend to keep it for a longer period of time. This must be proven with a valid certificate of study or training contract.
Shared flats do not receive a residence permit.
Asylum seekers
Asylum seekers are generally not considered to be entitled to housing, as it is not foreseeable whether and for how long they will remain in the Federal territory.
Opening hours
Tag | Zeiten |
Dienstag | 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr |
Donnerstag | 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 - 17:00 Uhr |
Die Ausstellung eines Wohnberechtigungsscheins kostet 10,- Euro.