Buy land
Städtische Grundstücke können zu Wohn- und Gewerbezwecken sowie für den Gemeinbedarf gekauft werden. Auf der Webseite von KIJ finden Sie aktuelle Grundstückangebote und zukünftige Angebote.
Public invitation to tender
In order to give all interested parties the opportunity to learn of the intention to sell, the developed and undeveloped plots to be sold are generally advertised publicly.Unless, in justified exceptional cases (e.g. transfer of land for the fulfilment of municipal tasks or sale of splinter land to neighbouring owners), a public invitation to tender can be waived.
The advertisement is published in the official gazette of the city of Jena and on the website of KIJ, usually also on real estate portals such as Immowelt or in the local daily newspapers. In addition, the plots are offered at real estate fairs.
Valuation, sale at the highest bid
Municipalities - and thus also KIJ - are generally obliged to sell assets (which also include real estate) only at their full value. Indicators for the value of a property can be information from the standard land value map or a market value appraisal.one.
The current value that a property has on the market is determined by the bids submitted by interested parties by way of public tender. Therefore, as a rule, the property must be sold to whoever submits the highest bid.
Information on the condition of building plots
KIJ ensures that the plots of land for sale, insofar as they are advertised as "building plots", can actually be built on in accordance with the provisions of public law. Further details can be found in the respective tender texts.
In addition, the interested party receives information on the cadastral status. If an expert opinion on the condition of the building ground is available, the buyer can view it. If this is not the case, he can have a subsoil survey carried out himself at his own expense by means of a power of attorney before the contract is concluded.
Plans of all utility lines known to the utility companies will be made available to the buyer.
In the case of property tenders, your documents must be submitted in full to the municipal undertaking KIJ by the deadline. Your bid must be contained in a (second) sealed envelope marked only with the words "Participation in Public Tender + Tender Title" and your return address.
The documents to be enclosed, if applicable, can be found in the respective invitation to tender.
Opening hours
Tag | Zeiten |
Montag | 08:00 – 17:00 Uhr |
Dienstag | 08:00 – 17:00 Uhr |
Mittwoch | 08:00 – 17:00 Uhr |
Donnerstag | 08:00 – 17:00 Uhr |
Freitag | 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr |
Abweichende Öffnungszeiten, z. B. zwischen Feiertagen, werden unter Aktuelles auf der Webseite des Eigenbetriebs KIJ veröffentlicht. Nach Rücksprache mit den verantwortlichen Mitarbeitern können in Ausnahmenfällen auch Termine außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten vereinbart werden.
Broker- and developer-free
The land offers are developer-free. The city does not use any brokers, so there are no costs for this.
Legal basis
The conclusion of a land purchase agreement is often intended to implement certain municipal interests. These can be, for example, building obligations or nature conservation requirements. This is already pointed out in the respective invitation to tender.
The legal basis for the sale of real estate is in particular the section "Property Management" of the Thuringian Municipal and District Code (Thuringian Municipal Code, Sections 66 and 67).