Basic income support in old age or permanent full reduction in earning capacity
Basic security benefits in old age and in the event of permanent full reduction in earning capacity in accordance with Social Code XII must be applied for. The benefit is dependent on income and assets.
Who can receive benefits under this Act?
Persons with habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany who:
- have reached the age of 65 or
- have reached the age of 18 and are permanently fully incapacitated for work for medical reasons, regardless of the respective labor market situation.
Receipt of a pension due to old age or full reduction in earning capacity is not a prerequisite.
Persons who are unable to support themselves from their own income and assets or
- from their own income and assets or
- from the income and assets of a spouse or cohabiting partner who is not separated, insofar as they exceed their own needs.
Who is not entitled?
- Persons whose income exceeds an annual amount of EUR 100,000 (per child or parent),
- Persons who have caused their neediness intentionally or through gross negligence within the last 10 years,
- foreign nationals who receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act.
How much basic income support can I receive?
The need includes
- the standard needs level applicable to the applicant,
- the reasonable actual expenses for accommodation and heating (pro rata for spouses and cohabiting partners who are not separated),
- any applicable health and long-term care insurance contributions and
- any additional needs supplements.
The existing income is offset against the needs calculated in this way.
The basic security entitlement is the need not covered by the available income.
If the income is sufficient to cover the need, no basic security benefit is calculated.
If your income is not sufficient, but you have assets that you have to use to cover your living expenses, there is no basic security benefit. Once the assets to be used have been used up, you can submit a new application for basic income support.
The limit for small amounts of cash or other monetary assets that do not have to be used in order to receive basic income support is €10,000 for each adult. Amounts in excess of this are regarded as assets to be used.
Opening hours
Tag | Zeiten |
Dienstag |
08:00 - 12:00 Uhr |
Donnerstag | 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 - 17:00 Uhr |