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Cosmopolitan Jena | Jena Rathaus Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Cosmopolitan Jena

Thuringia is open to the world. Companies and young people are more likely to move away if their environment is not tolerant and open. The result of intolerance is not only the exclusion of parts of society, but also the weakening of the economy, science and cultural life. All of these areas thrive on a welcoming culture towards young people from Germany and abroad, on a spirit of openness and innovation.

This is what the WELTOFFENES THÜRINGEN initiative is committed to. JENA, too, WOULD MISS SOMETHING if foreigners were not part of our diverse and colorful society - with enormous consequences for the economy, science, culture and tourism in our city.

Blick aus der Froschperspektive auf einen gepflasterten Platz mit Architektur im Hintergrund und Sonnenuntergangsstimmung
Jena fehlt was ohne Anh...

Full text alternative: JEN - Jena lacks something without an appendix...

JENA lacks something without ANH

A quarter of FSU students are not from Germany

Anh from China has been studying at Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) since last summer. Like Anh, around a quarter of all students in Jena do not come from Germany.

At FSU, the proportion of foreign students is a good 14 percent, at Ernst Abbe University (EAH) it is as high as 19 percent. Like Anh, most international students at FSU come from China (359), followed by India (255) and Iran (166). At the EAH, the most common countries of origin are India (336), Morocco (97) and China (79).

It is not only the proportion of foreign students that has risen in recent years. Particular attention has also been paid to appointing professors from abroad: Between 2015 and 2020, a total of 18 professors of foreign nationality were appointed at FSU. This puts their share of those appointed since then at 11.8 percent.

Without students like Anh, there would be less money available to fund professorships, chairs and research projects. And fewer foreign researchers also means less international visibility for Jena as a research and science location.

The many international students therefore not only make Jena more vibrant, but also more internationally significant.

Jena needs Anh!


Blick aus der Vogelperspektive auf eine Stadt mit vielen Gebäuden, viel Grün und einem Fluss
Jena fehlt was ohne Esra ...

Full text alternative: J NA - Jena lacks something without Ezra...

JENA is missing something without ESRA

18 percent of the city's population has a history of migration

Born in Syria, Esra has lived in Jena since 2016. The young woman is one of the 18 percent of the city's population with a history of migration. Almost 19,000 women, men and children now live in Jena. If they had not moved here - like Esra - Jena would have shrunk significantly in recent years.

Jena would no longer be a big city - and therefore less worth living in. This is because the city receives money from the state of Thuringia for every additional resident. Specifically, this amounts to 1,665 euros for each new citizen. Without Esra and all the other foreign citizens, Jena would have around 23 million euros less at its disposal to finance important projects in the areas of transport, health, social affairs and infrastructure.

Jena needs Esra!


  • Migration Report 2023, City of Jena
Blick auf den Ernst-Abbe-Platz und die Goethegalerie ohne ein markantes Hochhaus
Jena feht was ohne Ngozi ...

Full text alternative: JE A - Jena lacks something without Ngozi...

JENA lacks something without NGOZI

9 percent of skilled workers in Jena do not come from Germany

Ngozi from Nigeria has been working as an engineer in Jena since 2021. He is one of the almost 9 percent of skilled workers in Jena who do not come from Germany.

Since 2018, the proportion of foreign employees here has risen steadily from 6.8 percent to almost 9 percent. Like Ngozi, many people with a migration background in Jena have a high level of education: more than 70 percent have the highest school-leaving qualification - which in Germany corresponds to the Abitur or general higher education entrance qualification. This is 10 percent more than the group without a migration background. One reason for this is that some of the foreign employees had already come to Jena to study. However, 40 percent of the refugees also have the highest school-leaving qualification.

Without people like Ngozi, Jena's economy would be less successful: 44% of the increase in employees subject to social insurance contributions from 2018 to 2023 is based on skilled workers and employees with a foreign passport. More than 70 percent of the foreign workers currently employed in Jena are skilled workers, specialists and experts. Their work strengthens the city's prosperity. In addition, people from abroad keep numerous businesses running in areas such as gastronomy, retail and care. Without their support, some companies would no longer be able to survive. One in ten trainees in Jena also comes from abroad.

Jena needs Ngozi!


Blick auf Jena, einen Turm (den JenTower) und den Botanischen Garten, es fehlt ein Gebäude: das Planetarium
Jena fehlt was ohne Jason ...

Full text alternative: ENA - Jena is missing something without Jason...

JENA is missing something without JASON

More than 385,000 overnight stays by tourists in Jena in 2023

Jason from the United States stops off in Jena on his trip to Germany. The 50-year-old wants to visit the planetarium - as do more than 170,000 guests from all over the world every year. In 2023, the tourism industry in Jena counted more than 385,000 overnight stays.

Without tourists and guests from abroad like Jason, Jena would have around a third fewer overnight stays and visits to the numerous cultural institutions. This would also mean fewer customers for the retail and catering sectors and stores would have to close.

Without its international guests, Jena would not only be culturally poorer, but also financially, as some of the income would be lost without them.

Jena needs Jason!


Why Jena / Reasons for Jena

Thousands of great job opportunities.

Jena is home to fast-growing industries and local companies are always on the lookout for new team members. Take a look aroundthe Jena job portal for your dream job.

Big and small at the same time.

Jena, with its 110,000 inhabitants, is a "real" big city with great leisure and cultural activities, but at the same time small enough for everything to be close together.

Great support when you arrive.

Are you new to Jena and need help getting started? No problem. The Welcome Center Jenateam will be happy to help you.

Diverse companies.

From A for Abbott to Z for Zeiss: Jena is home to global players as well as innovative start-ups and medium-sized global market leaders: find out more about companies in Jena.

Jena is home to a wide range of industries.

From skilled trades to high-tech, there are soooo many interesting opportunities for your own career path: find out more about the industries in Jena.

Six vocational schools

Training in Jena - no problem at the three state and three private vocational schools on site. Are you still looking for support and information about training and starting a career? The JUPITER Jenaportal will answer your questions. The youth employment agency JUBA provides information about study and career opportunities.

Over 175 years of experience as an international optics location.

More than 100 companies with over 9,000 employees work in the field of optics and photonics in the "City of Light". You can find out exactly what they do and how well they are networked at the industry network Optonet e. V.

Optics made in Jena.

Hardly any other company is as closely linked to the development of Jena as ZEISS. The company was founded here 175 years ago and is currently expanding its headquarters here. Another global technology group in the optics industry with its headquarters in Jena is Jenoptik Exciting job prospects guaranteed.

Young and colorful.

Around one third of Jena's 110,000 inhabitants are under 27 years old. 16 percent of the approximately 22,000 students have an international background. That means lots of nice young people from all over the world with whom you can start your professional life.

Cosmopolitan and intercultural

Around 19,000 people with a history of migration live in Jena . That's around 18 percent of the city's population. A large number of international and intercultural groups are actively involved in the city's society. People from abroad can easily make connections innine migrant organizations .

Club life.

More than 100 cultural and over 115 sports clubs offer the opportunity to become actively involved in local society and make new contacts. This makes it easy for newcomers to make friends.

Over 450 years of research experience AND close to the real world

As Thuringia's only comprehensive university, Friedrich Schiller University offers over 200 study options. Founded in 1558, the university consistently scores top marks in university rankings. At the innovative Ernst Abbe University, around 4,500 students study exciting courses in social and health sciences, as well as business administration and engineering.

Smart people as far as the eye can see.

Around 250 patents are registered in Jena every year. The national average is 59 patents per 100,000 inhabitants. So it's only fitting that the German Patent and Trade Mark Office has a branch office in Jena.

An active urban community.

Jena offers an incredible number of opportunities to get involved and do good. You can find out where exactly at the Jena Community Foundation. The association arranges volunteering opportunities and promotes cultural and linguistic exchange.

Living inclusion.

Jena aims to ensure that everyone is an equal part of society - in the world of work and in all other areas of life. Associations such as "Jena Inklusiv" create the conditions for this.

Beacon of digitalization.

Around 150 companies in the digital economy are working on the (working) world of tomorrow in Jena. Some of them are organized in the industry network "JENA Digital" and are driving transformation processes for the future.

Standing up to the right. Active for democracy.

An energetic civil society in Jena is committed to fighting against forgetting and for a resilient, vibrant democracy. Every year on November 9, the sound of the Stolpersteineresounds . Many local actors are committed to civil courage in everyday life and against intolerance, for example KoKont e.V. and the Round Table for Democracy and Tolerance. Anyone who has experienced discrimination themselves can find support from the city of Jena's anti-discrimination office. The annual Civil Courage Award recognizes civil society commitment to democracy and humanity

Active engagement with the National Socialist Underground (NSU)

The city of Jena is facing up to its responsibility in relation to the insidious crimes committed by the so-called "NSU". The members of this right-wing extremist terrorist cell came from here. Jena's civil society, politicians, businesses and universities commemorate the victims, most recently in the form of the nationwide theater project "Kein Schlussstrich.

Outstanding intercultural diversity.

Jena companies are committed to the good integration of their international employees. Every year, the i-work Business Award honors companies from Jena and the region that are taking exemplary paths in this regard.

A sympathetic ear for international concerns.

The Jena Advisory Board for Migration and Integration represents the interests of the city's population with a history of migration and thus enables active political participation.

From Jena to the world.

With an export rate of around 70 percent in the manufacturing industry, many of Jena's companies are part of a global value chain - and some are world market leaders in their sector as "hidden champions".

Family-friendly companies.

More than 70 companies are involved in the Jena Alliance for Families in order to ensure a good work-life balance in the long term.

Short distances.

In Jena, everything is close together and easily accessible on foot or by bike. And for longer distances, there is a well-scheduled public transport system.

The Saale.

Everything is better by the water. We love our river. We like to spend our free timeon the beautiful banks : relaxing at the barbecue and with the children on the playground, actively playing badminton or slacklining, or almost wet on the stand-up board or in a canoe.

Beach feeling in the middle of the city.

Close your eyes in a deckchair, listen to local DJs and sip cocktails. You can do this wonderfully at Strand22, the Paradiescafé or Salü.

Germany's most beautiful hiking trail.

"Hiking with a view" - this is the motto of the 91-kilometre SaaleHorizontale, which was named Germany's most beautiful hiking trail in 2023. The quality trail follows narrow paths through steep shell limestone slopes and offers spectacular views of the Middle Saale Valley.

Open-air theater, live concerts, film evenings under the stars.

Our summer festival Kulturarena delights around 70,000 people every summer in the heart of the city. Including us.

At home in "paradise".

In the middle of the city, the park ofthe same name invites you to go walking, cycling, fishing, skating and countless other leisure activities. Preferably with family and friends, of course.

Facts and figures about life in Jena

Big names from Jena are world-famous: Entrepreneurial success stories such as those of ZEISS, Jenoptik and SCHOTT began here.

In Jena, the cradle of the European optics and photonics industry, tradition in the high-tech sectors is combined with strong, innovative companies. With this recipe for success, Jena has established itself as a leading high-tech center in Thuringia and Central Germany.

International corporations as well as numerous small and medium-sized companies are based here and contribute to a high gross value added. The export ratio is over 65 percent, which is well above the German average.

Jena's innovative strength is demonstrated by the approximately 250 patents that are registered here every year (per 100,000 inhabitants, average for Germany: 59 per year).

As a proportion of all start-ups in Germany, the most high-tech companies are founded here. The top-class educational landscape and research strength of the companies make Jena a place where ideas bubble up.

How high is the proportion of academics in Jena?

In an overview by Statista from 2020, the university graduate rate for Jena is 34.2 %.

How many children (in percentage terms) are in kindergarten?

  • Childcare rate for children aged 0 to under 6.5 as of 01.03.2022: 84.9% (daycare and daycare facilities combined)

How high is the female employment rate?

  • Female employment rate as at 31.12.2021: 60.6% (women subject to social insurance contributions in Jena as a proportion of residents aged 15 to under 65)

How many children in Jena graduate from high school?

The proportion of pupils with Abitur at general education schools in Jena is 56.1% (2022/23)

What is the school dropout rate?

The proportion of students who leave general education schools in Jena without a qualification is 5.3% (2022/23)

What is the inclusion rate at schools?

In the 2022/23 school year, 641 pupils at general education schools in Jena had special educational needs. Of these, 569 were taught in joint classes and 72 in the Jena support center.

This corresponds to an inclusion rate of 88.8% - a first-class figure in the whole of Thuringia.

The inclusion rate has been at this high level since the 2016/17 school year.
In comparison, the inclusion rate in Thuringia was 45.4% in the 2021/22 school year.

Children with a history of migration in Jena schools

In the 2022/23 school year, 1698 pupils with a history of migration attended Jena schools. That is 13.8% of all pupils.

Diverse school and kindergarten landscape that is second to none

The Welcome Center Jena supports the arrival of (international) skilled workers and their families in the city of Jena and advises companies that (would like to) hire international skilled workers. We provide information on various topics, such as entry and residence, job search, application documents, language acquisition, housing and other questions that are important when arriving and starting work.

Companies in Jena and the region are very active in attracting international skilled workers. More than 50 companies have already applied for the iWork Business Award of the Jena Economic Development Corporation, which recognizes exemplary integration of international employees into companies.

Good to know - further information