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Welcome in Jena - Jena Wirtschaft

New online portal:

Business Development Jena starts new platform on working and living in Jena

All information on the topic of "working and living in Jena" is now bundled on a new website: On, interested parties can find current job offers from Jena companies and institutions, a comprehensive overview of Jena's industries and work-related topics such as training and further education, job applications and job searches. For people who do not yet know Jena, the website presents important information on the topics of "arriving", family, housing, leisure and culture as well as social participation and helps to find the right contact points locally.


With the new portal as a marketing and information tool, JenaWirtschaft supports all Jena companies and institutions in attracting new employees to Jena. Because even if the world and Jena are still in the middle of the pandemic: The topic of attracting skilled workers will be crucial for the city in the coming years and decades. Only if local companies find sufficient new team members can Jena continue to grow and be economically successful. Jena Business Development is at your disposal for all concerns and questions by phone 03641 8730030 or by e-mail.

Also visit our new social media channels:  Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin.

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