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Greenhouse gas measurements at sea, on land and in the air | Long Night of the Sciences Jena Skip to main content

Greenhouse gas measurements at sea, on land and in the air

19:00 - 20:00 o'clock
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
Technologiecenter Am Felsenkeller, ICOS-Labor
Kahlaische Str. 4

The European carbon monitoring system ICOS

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases are constantly increasing in the atmosphere. At the same time, climate changes influence ecosystems in their ability to absorb or release greenhouse gases. Research into these relationships and their effects on the climate requires a lot of measurement data as a basis. We show how ICOS is contributing to this research with measurements on land, at sea and in the air, and what role our laboratory in Jena plays in this.

Es wird ein mit einer Luftprobe gefülter Gas-Flask aus dem regal entnommen.
Flasks im ICOS-Labor
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