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Henriette Born (1869 - 1942) and Gustav Born (1896 - 1942) | Jena Geschichte Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Henriette Born (1869 - 1942) and Gustav Born (1896 - 1942)

Henriette Born, née Schwarz, was born in Halle on 9 April 1869. In 1894 she moved with her husband Georg Born (1867-1931) from Apolda to Jena. Here they took over the management of the shoe shop Stern und Cie. which belonged to a merchant from Apolda. The shop was initially located on Markt, then in Postgasse, and finally in Kollegiengasse. From 1911 the Borns were the owners, in 1925 they gave up the business and moved to Mittelstraße as pensioners. In 1941 Henriette Born had to leave this home. On September 20, 1942, she was deported to Theresienstadt, where she died of starvation on October 24 because - according to the testimony of witnesses - she was too weak to go to the distribution of food rations.

Gustav Born, the son of Henriette and Georg Born, was born in Jena on 18 December 1896. He took part in the World War and subsequently worked for various companies as a business manager and later as a self-employed sales representative. His non-Jewish wife separated from him in 1939. In 1940 he was sentenced to one year and ten months in prison for alleged "racial defilement"; he served the sentence in Untermaßfeld. Immediately after his release he was arrested again and transferred to the Mauthausen concentration camp, where he was murdered on 9 July 1942.

His sisters Amalie Kühnhold (1892-1973) and Erna Oswald (1900-1986), who were also temporarily imprisoned in concentration camps, survived the Nazi era.

The Stolpersteine for Henriette and Gustav Born were placed at Mittelstraße 36 on June 2, 2010 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

zwei Stolpersteine mit weißer Rose
Stolpersteine für Henriette und Gustav Born in der Mittelstraße 36

Hier wohnte Gustav Born, Jg. 1896, verhaftet, Mauthausen, ermordet 9.7.1942.

Hier wohnte Henriette Born geb. Schwartz, Jg. 1869, deportiert 1942, Theresienstadt, ermordet 24.10.1942.

Stumbling block Henriette and Gustav Born

Mittelstraße 36
07745 Jena