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Residential development area concept Jena 2035 | Jena Planen und Bauen Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Residential development area concept Jena 2035

The "Jena 2035 residential development area concept" was adopted by the city council on 15.10.2020 (resolution no. 20/0468-BV). You can view the city council resolution including all annexes here.

With the city council resolution, the area C1a "Framework plan Jenzighang West" and a partial area of C1b "Framework plan Jenzighang Mitte" were removed from the residential development area concept. The administration was commissioned under resolution 006 to propose alternatives for the omitted areas. Furthermore, alternative areas were to be examined for areas D2 "Schweizerhöhe" and D3 "Mädertal". These alternative areas should offer adequate potential for residential construction in terms of qualitative and quantitative aspects.

In accordance with resolution item 007, a working group consisting of members of the urban development committee and the city administration was formed to discuss the changes to the residential development area concept resulting from item 006.

An audit report was prepared by the city administration as the basis for the working group's deliberations. In this review report, all areas concerned were analyzed once again, the advantages and disadvantages of area development were compared and possible alternative areas were identified. The inter-factional working group held four meetings. In addition, two on-site meetings were held on the Jenzighang and in the Schweizerhöhe and Mädertal areas.

The results of the working group were summarized in report 22/1526-BE and presented in the non-public part of the Urban Development and Environment Committee on 7 July 2022.

The following results were presented in the report:

  1. The omitted area C1a "Framework plan Jenzighang West" will be replaced by the following areas in the residential development area concept:
    - B17 VBB-J 41 "Quartier 22" with a total of 70 residential units MFH (40 units + 30 additional units)
    - B19 VBB-Wz 06 "Oßmaritzer Str. residential development" with 45 units of MFH (+ 15 units as a gap site)
    - D15 Eastern extension area to B13 Nördlich Karl-Liebknecht-Straße with 25 residential units MFH
  2. 2a: Variant 1 - technical recommendation (development below the 160m height line, 92 units)
    The technical recommendation was not followed as there was no political majority for this in the working group.
    2b: Variant 2 - political proposal (roadside development, 20 units)
    A new area demarcation is made for area C1b "Jenzighang Mitte framework plan". The area will be continued in the residential development area concept with a potential of 20 units in the small-scale segment, reduced by 100 units. The horticultural use will be continued on the omitted part of C1b.
    To replace the omitted part of C1b, the following areas in the small-scale market segment will be newly included in the residential development area concept:
    - D14 "An der Siedlung" in Isserstedt with 28 residential units
    - D16 "Südlich der Ortslage" in Leutra with 10 residential units
    - D17 "An der Ammerbacher Straße" in Ammerbach with 32 units
    - D18 "Am neuen Weingut" in Kunitz with 30 units
  3. The residential development areas D2 "Schweizerhöhe" and D3 "Mädertal" remain unchanged in the residential development area concept. The development of these areas close to the city center corresponds to a sustainable settlement structure with short distances, enables a land policy oriented towards the common good and can contribute to attracting and securing skilled workers.
  4. The city supports and promotes the implementation of community housing projects in accordance with StR resolution 21/0989-BV "Community housing projects - supporting new garden city projects" on sites D2 and D3, as these sites offer good conditions for this.
  5. The municipal area "Im Hahnengrunde" remains reserved as a strategic and immediately available future area for science, research and technology and must continue to be secured as a special construction area for "research and teaching" in view of the competition for research facilities throughout Germany.

The present results from the examination of alternatives follow the mandate of the City Council of 14.10.2020 (City Council resolution 20/0482-BV "Stabilization of housing policy for Jena: guidelines and concept allocation") to provide areas for at least 4,830 apartments as a price-stabilizing target in order to ensure a sustainable and socially balanced development of the housing market in the regional center of Jena.

The Jena 2035 residential development area concept was updated accordingly (as at 29.08.2022, see downloads). The principles of the Jena 2035 residential development area concept, which were adopted by the city council in October 2020 (chapters 1 to 6), remain valid and are not affected by the alternative areas. The alternative areas largely serve the same market segment as the omitted areas. The alternative sites are also comparable with regard to the time periods. If necessary, individual alternative sites (e.g. B17 "Quartier 22" or B19 "Wohnbebauung an der Oßmaritzer Straße") can be implemented more quickly.

The table overview of all residential development sites by planning status (Chapter 7) has been updated. The replacement areas for C1a and C1b have been added and marked graphically. In addition, editorial updates were made to the original residential development areas due to the progress made over time (e.g. area designation, status of the procedure). These are not marked separately in the overview.

The annexes to the StR resolution "Residential development area concept Jena 2035" have also been updated. The tabular overview (Annex 2) and the map overview (Annex 3) can be found in the download area.