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Permit for cab, excursion and rental car traffic | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Permit for cab, excursion and rental car traffic

Commercial passenger transport is subject to authorization and must therefore be applied for and approved by the competent authority in accordance with § 12 and 2 of the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG).

1. general provisions

Anyone wishing to engage in commercial passenger transportation requires a permit from the city administration of Jena.

A permit is only issued to those who can prove their:

  • reliability,
  • professional suitability and
  • financial capacity
    • Equity certificate / additional certificate (forms): The reference date of the equity certificate must not be more than one year ago at the time of application and the date of issue must not be more than 3 months ago. Documents according to which the certificates were issued (equity): Cab / rental car 1st vehicle 2.250,- Euro, each additional 1.250,- Euro

can prove.

These checks are carried out on the basis of the Professional Access Ordinance for Road Passenger Transport (PBZugV) in conjunction with the PBefG.

2 Special provisions for cab transport

Please note: Some things have changed with the law on the modernization of passenger transport law.

  • In addition to the general provisions, the general transport interest and the economic situation of the "cab market" (as a whole) must be considered. This consideration may mean that no permits can be issued. In this case, it is possible to be entered on a waiting list. Note: There is currently no waiting list.
  • Upon application, a cab operator can be released from the obligation to operate. This may be necessary if, for example, the vehicle is no longer operational due to an accident or the driver is absent for a longer period of time. The road traffic authority decides on the application.
  • If a licensed vehicle is deregistered, the license expires.
  • Cab vehicles must be marked in accordance with BOKraft.
  • Can accept orders by telephone, at the cab rank or "on call".
  • Cab fares are bound by the cab fare regulations.
  • Are bound by the operating and transportation obligation.
  • Indirect documentation obligation in accordance with the letter from the Federal Ministry of Finance (26.11.2010) [PDF]

3. special provisions for hire car transportation

  • Orders can only be accepted at the place of business.
  • Rental cars must return to the place of business at the end of transportation.
  • Rental car companies have a direct documentation obligation.
    • Recording of orders
      • Time of order receipt (date and time),
      • the place where the passenger is to be picked up,
      • the time the order was placed with the driver,
      • the name of the vehicle used and
      • the start and end of the journey.
  • The rental cars are not bound by a tariff and are therefore free to set their own tariff.
  • The rental cars may not carry any cab license plates, in particular no cab sign or a registration number.

The processing of a permit can take up to 6 months.

General documents

  • Application for a permit to operate cabs / excursions / rental cars**
  • Vehicle list**
  • Driver list**

Further documents

The following documents must also be provided by the applicant:

Proof of professional suitability
  • Proof of professional qualification
  • If applicable, the above-mentioned documents of the operations manager
Proof of financial capacity
  • Enclosure to the application**
  • Certificate of equity**
  • Additional certificate**, if applicable

Note: The documents on financial capacity must be signed by a competent person (e.g. financial or accountant, bank, tax consultant, etc.).

Proof of reliability
  • Extract from the central trade register (delivery to the authority)*
  • Certificate of good conduct (document type O)*
  • Certificate in tax matters (tax office)
  • Clearance certificate
    • Health insurance companies
    • Employer's liability insurance association
    • Social insurance provider
    • City treasury (City of Jena)
Please note

Only a complete application is eligible for a decision.

  • * = must be applied for at the time of application
  • ** = can be found under the "Download" section
Tag Zeiten
Montag 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Mittwoch geschlossen
Donnerstag 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr

Außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten erreichen Sie uns nach telefonischer Absprache.

  • Passenger Transportation Act (PBefG)
    • § 2 Authorization requirement
    • § 13 Prerequisite for authorization
    • § 47 Taxi traffic
    • § 48 Excursions
    • § 49 Rental car traffic
  • Occupational Access Ordinance for Road Passenger Transport (PBZugV)
  • Ordinance on the operation of road passenger transport companies (BOKraft)
  • Passenger Transportation Act Cost Ordinance (PBefGKostV)
  • Guide rate catalog for passenger transport