On June 17, an environmental day was held in Lobeda, a joint project between Jenawohnen and Kommunalservice Jena.
Preparations began in the early hours of the morning: KSJ provided the necessary materials such as grab tongs, gloves and bin bags. Over 100 primary school pupils from the Kulturanum School worked together to remove around 30 kilograms of litter from parks, green spaces and playgrounds in Lobeda. Broken glass and cigarette butts were the most common items found by the children.
A very special attraction was undoubtedly a bulky waste vehicle, which the children and supervisors were able to experience up close. They had the opportunity to get to know how the vehicle works and to separate and bring in bulky waste themselves.
There was also a craft station where the children made creative works of art from recycled materials. At the same time, there were other activities related to environmental protection. In the creative building office (Stauffenbergstraße 10), the children were able to proudly report on their experiences over breakfast and take their new knowledge about waste separation and recycling home with them.
Under the motto "Repairing instead of throwing away", the afternoon was all about avoiding waste, conserving resources and sustainability.
Various information stands in the building office offered a wide range of information on the aforementioned topics. Among other things, the Repariercafé Jena presented creative upcycling ideas and gave interested parties repair tips. In addition, bicycles could be coded free of charge by the ADFC Jena-Saaletal.
The offer was rounded off by a waste collection vehicle from the KSJ, which could be admired up close. Everything that could no longer be saved on the day was disposed of directly on site by the KSJ. The positive response shows how important and effective such campaigns are in raising sustainable awareness in the community.