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Sustainability strategy | Jena Umwelt Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Sustainability strategy

Jena has had good experience and approaches to sustainable development since the 1990s. In particular with regard to the long-standing Agenda 21 process, in the areas of energy and climate protection, adaptation to the consequences of climate change, in the area of mobility, in integrated urban development concepts as well as extensive experience with citizen participation processes.

City Council resolution on the sustainability goals

On 09.05.2019, the City Council confirmed the sustainability goals of the City of Jena in the context of the 2030 Agenda. Together with the thematic guidelines, strategic and operational goals, they form the basis for the sustainability strategy with a program of action for a sustainable Jena.

City Council resolution on the action program

On 27.04.2021, the Jena City Council adopted the "Sustainability Strategy of the City of Jena - Program of Action" by a majority vote with an amendment from the Social Committee. A comprehensive package of measures for the sustainable development of Jena was thus adopted, which was the result of a lengthy participatory process involving over 30 stakeholders and the Climate and Environment Round Table (RTKU).

However, this is not the end of the process. The aim is to implement the sustainability strategy, review the achievement of the goals and continuously develop the strategy further. The action program is evaluated every two years.

Development and long-term implementation of the strategy

For the development and long-term implementation of the sustainability strategy, it is necessary to establish binding working structures in the municipality. This will define clear responsibilities and functions, create transparency and coordinate cooperation between the various stakeholders from administration, politics and civil society.

The working structures provide for the following three organizational units: Coordinator, core team of the administration and the steering group, which is broadly based.

The action program contains detailed measures and specifies the resources required to achieve the objectives and defines responsibilities and implementation periods. Indicators are agreed for subsequent monitoring, i.e. the assessment of target achievement and continuous improvement. The action program is evaluated every two years.

New global framework for sustainable development and poverty reduction

At its summit in New Yorkat the end of September 2015, the United Nations adopted the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" and created a new global framework for sustainable development and poverty reduction. The goals adopted by 193 heads of state and government are intended to drive the transformation of economies and societies towards ecologically, socially and economically responsible development on a global scale in order to enable future generations in all parts of the world to survive and have prospects for development.

The 2030 Agenda brings together two previously separate UN negotiation processes, the Rio process (Local Agenda 21), which was established at the Earth Summit in 1992, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

17 universally applicable global sustainability goals

The 2030 Agenda comprises 17 universally applicable global sustainability goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is the first time that a uniform system of goals has been created that is recognized by all nations and covers all aspects of sustainable development. 169 sub-goals have been formulated for implementation, which serve as indicators and monitoring mechanisms.

In the coming decades, the 2030 Agenda will shape action at international level as well as at national and local level. However, without the involvement of local authorities, the 2030 Agenda will remain largely ineffective.

Jena commits to the goals of the 2030 Agenda

The Association of German Cities has drawn up a resolution entitled "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Shaping sustainability at municipal level", in which the signatory municipalities signal their willingness to commit to selected sustainability issues and take appropriate measures within the scope of their possibilities.

With the city council resolution of 15.03.2017, the city of Jena committed itself to the goals of the 2030 Agenda and thus to sustainable development at municipal level.

Jena as a model municipality in the "Global Sustainable Municipality Thuringia" project

In the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the city of Jena has developed an integrated sustainability strategy for a sustainable Jena as a model municipality as part of the "Global Sustainable MunicipalityThuringia" project. This was carried out with external support from the project sponsor Zukunftsfähiges Thüringen e. V.

As part of the "Global Sustainable Municipality Thuringia" project, municipalities in Thuringia are developing municipal sustainability strategies in the context of Agenda 2030. The development of the sustainability strategies is embedded in a participatory process within the municipal administration and, in addition to an inventory, includes the identification of goals, sub-goals, measures and indicators so that regular evaluation, reporting and readjustment can subsequently take place. This establishes a strategic management tool that makes it possible to develop joint solutions within the municipality, mobilize existing resources and promote cross-sectional thinking and action, particularly in administration and politics. In addition, specific references are made to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the existing Thuringian sustainability strategy and the national sustainability strategy. Existing processes, strategies and experiences in the participating municipalities are taken up and a strong focus is placed on the realization and actual implementation of sustainability management within the municipal administration.

Contribution to the implementation of Agenda 2030

In this sense, the project makes a concrete contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at local level and to sustainable and integrated local development, which combines social, economic and ecological objectives, promotes additional development policy commitment and encourages cross-sectoral thinking and action in the municipality. The international impact of local action is made clear and the importance of global responsibility at local level is emphasized.

As part of the first round of the project, which took place between October 2016 and summer 2019, the nine pilot municipalities of Jena, Erfurt, Nordhausen, Saalfeld, Arnstadt, Schmölln/ Gößnitz and Bad Köstritz/ Crossen each successfully developed a municipal sustainability strategy with a focus on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The project sponsor Zukunftsfähiges Thüringen e. V. advised and supported the city of Jena in the development of the sustainability strategy in individual consultations, workshops and networking events. The Jena sustainability strategy was developed with the broad participation of civil society and was adopted by the city council on 27.04.2021.


Team Fundamentals of urban development

Am Anger 26
07743 Jena