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Supervisor registration | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Supervisor registration

In accordance with the Caregiver Registration Ordinance, which has been in force since 01.01.2023, you must be registered with the parent authority to become a court-appointed caregiver. Further registration requirements can be found in the Care Organization Act (BtOG) from Section 23 onwards. The required expertise and financial loss liability insurance are particularly important.


The parent authority is the guardianship authority in whose jurisdiction the registered office of the guardian is located or is to be established. You can make use of a consultation appointment before submitting your application. The application for registration must be accompanied by

  • Certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority (not older than 3 months)
  • Extract from the debtor register at the local court (not older than 3 months)
  • Declaration as to whether insolvency, investigation or criminal proceedings are pending
  • Declaration as to whether registration has taken place or been revoked in the last 3 years
  • Declaration of intended organizational structure and overall time frame

Proof of your expertise such as certificates, training and further training documents or confirmation of participation in a module training course, see below.

During the registration process, you will have a personal interview with 2-3 employees of the care authority to determine your suitability. You will then be asked to provide proof of financial loss liability insurance in accordance with § 23/1 BtOG. If all requirements are met, a decision will be made in an administrative act within 3 months.

Proof of expertise

According to the Caregiver Registration Ordinance, the required knowledge is divided into 11 modules in a curriculum. The parent authority first checks whether the content of completed training, demonstrable professional experience, etc. can be included in the assessment. Each module that cannot be proven otherwise must be completed in an individual course. A complete certificate course comprises 270 hours. Those who have a university degree can acquire up to 50 percent in a self-study phase; this does not apply to modules 10 and 11. The care authority advises on approved experts.

As of June 2023, specialist courses from 14 providers are already recognized in Germany. In Thuringia , there is not yet a recognized provider; however, according to the law,expertcoursescompleted in other federal states are alsorecognized, including individual modules. Under Links you will find an up-to-date list of recognized providers of specialist training courses.

Study courses and certificate training in supervision

There are various courses of study in Germany on the subject of legal guardianship, e.g.

  • "Fernstudium Berufsbetreuer" (Wismar University of Applied Sciences), distance learning, degree: Bachelor's degree
  • "Betreuung/Vorundschaft/Pflegschaft" (BerlinSchool of Economics and Law ), distance learning, degree: Master ofLaws(LL.M)
  • Certified Professional Caregiver Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Center for Academic Continuing Education, Degree:University certificateCurator de jure

A university education is a prerequisite for obtaining the highest level of remuneration.

Exceptions for proof of expertise

If you have a second state examination in law or a degree in social pedagogy or social work, the law states that you do not need any further proof of expertise.

What do professional guardians earn?

Legal guardians are remunerated on the basis of statutory flat rates per case. Whether the income is adequate depends on the professional qualification and various other factors. The decisive factor is the income that can be generated by providing care and the associated costs. The amount of the lump sums depends on the length of care provided to date, the client's living arrangements and their financial circumstances (destitute or "wealthy").

An application for remuneration can be submitted to the guardianship court for each individual client every 3 months. The classification into one of the remuneration groups A, B or C depends on the professional qualification obtained in accordance with the Guardianship and Caregiver Remuneration Act. Depending on the office situation (if applicable, employees, social security, operating expenses), around 40-50 supervisions are required to achieve a sufficient income.

What needs to be considered when setting up a business?

Social security: Health insurance, pension provision, compulsory insurance with the employers' liability insurance association for health and welfare services

Business registration: As a professional caregiver, you are obliged to register a business. However, you do not have to pay trade tax. Since 1.7.2013, you are no longer liable for VAT and no longer have to be a member of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Professional associations

Professional associations such as the BdB or BVfB can be useful for many questions, e.g. IT basis, data protection.

Tag Zeiten


08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 - 17:00 Uhr


A fee of €200 is charged for the registration certificate in accordance with the Registration Ordinance.


Care authority team

Lutherplatz 3
07743 Jena